Goli Bakhtiar
I came to Sotogrande in the early 70’s, when the place was a very small development and only a handful of friends of Joseph McMicking –the founder of Sotogrande- and his wife, Mercedes Zobel de Ayala were living here. The beauty of the landscaping, its closeness to the Mediterranean Sea and the Guadiaro River, the polo activity, captivated me so I decided, “this is where I want to live”.

At the beginning, we were just a few in a developing community. Once the news got around, many rich and powerful families of Europe as well as many prominent families from Spain all came to Sotogrande. I was lucky to know all of these families. Some years later, once the Sotogrande dynamic and the projected development was gaining strength and McMicking’s vision was taking shape, I started doing real estate.

Today, I am proud to share with you some images of the old times, and my experience in assisting you with any enquiries and in your search of the best property to live in this great place.